
Frequently Asked Questions About Premium Subscriptions

How long are SignUp.com subscriptions?

To make it easy we offer monthly and annual subscriptions.
If you sign up for a monthly subscription, the contract length is one month and you are automatically billed on a monthly basis. If you sign up for an annual subscription, the contract length is one year and you are automatically billed on a yearly basis.

How do I cancel?
It's easy. As there are no cancellation fees, you can cancel your upgrade at any time.
* Monthly plans won't be charged starting the next month
* Yearly plans won't be charged starting the next year
Please read this Help article for instructions specific to your account ( click here ).

Satisfaction Guaranteed?
YES! You can cancel your upgrade at any time within the first 7 days and receive a full refund. No questions asked! 
Please read this Help article for instructions specific to your account ( click here ).
Is there a discount for a longer commitment?
Yes! Get 12 months for the price of 10 with an annual subscription to any standard Premium Plan (Starter, Plus or Max).

How do discount promo codes work?
Get your FREE months first, and then your paid subscription will kick in (month-to-month, or discounted for 1 year). If you choose not to continue with a Premium subscription, cancel your subscription payments before the first month you would be charged. E.g. if you have 2 months free and signup for an annual subscription, cancel your payment during the 2nd month to avoid any charges in month 3 or later. Of course, we think you'll love SignUp.com and we'll save you so much time that you will want to continue your Premium subscription!